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Dr. Zuckerman has been featured in the media many times and has been the recipient of plastic surgery and medicine awards throughout his training and career.

Media & Patient Recognition of Dr. Zuckerman’s Work

josh cameras asaps 800x600Medial outlets including Cosmopolitan, The New York Times Magazine, New York Post, Reader’s Digest, ABC, CBS, The Doctors have featured or interviewed Dr. Zuckerman on various plastic surgery topics including liposuction, cosmetic breast surgery, new techniques using Botox and Juvederm, and more. Plastic surgery is a fast-moving field where new treatments become available multiple times per year. Dr. Zuckerman feels it is important to avoid sensationalizing aesthetic treatments and to educate the public with his views, as a properly credentialed expert in the field.

Dr. Zuckerman has also been recognized for his commitment to patient care and excellence in medicine receiving the following awards: The New York Times Magazine SuperDoctor Selection 2014-2017 (3 Years in a Row), RealSelf Top Doctor, Vitals.com Patients’ Choice Awards (Top 5% of doctors nationally), Selected as an Active Member of The Aesthetic Society, Selected as a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, Board of Trustees Award for Graduating First in Medical Class, and others listed below.

Why Nurses Are Going From the ER to the Med Spa

Many nurses are leaving the hospital system to work in med spas, citing burnout, long hours, and low pay as reasons for the shift. This trend has led to a surge in the growth of the med-spa industry, with some chains offering attractive employment packages and training programs for nurses to become injectors.

Why Do Men Have Nipples?

Dr. Zuckerman discussed gynecomastia and its correction (cosmetic male breast reduction surgery) and other male nipples for Cosmopolitan.

Is THIS the perfect man? Plastic surgeons reveal the features MEN are asking for

Dr. Zuckerman discussed male plastic surgery including eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty and celebrities such as Bratt Pitt and Jude Law.

13 Things You Do Every Day That Could Be Hurting Your Health

Dr. Zuckerman was quoted by Huffington Post regarding sun damage and its effects on facial aging. (Non-surgical treatments such as laser resurfacing, Botox, and others are needed to address the signs of aging due to photodamage.)

16 Things You Should Know Before Getting a Nipple Piercing

Dr. Zuckerman was interviewed on nipple piercings and their implications for breastfeeding. He also discussed why cosmetic plastic surgery intervention may be required to remove them, though this intervention is milder and less common than breast augmentation.

Dr. Zuckerman Selected as a SuperDoctor for New York State 2017

Dr. Zuckerman was selected as a SuperDoctor for New York state for plastic surgery. This selection is Dr. Zuckerman’s third year in a row and recognizes him as one of the best plastic surgeons in New York.

50 Things Your Doctor Wishes You Knew About Losing Weight

Dr. Zuckerman discusses the fact that liposuction is not a shortcut to weight loss. It is a sculpturing tool best used to shape and contour targeted problem areas with excess, stubborn fat.

The Nonsurgical Procedure Plus-Size Models Are Frequently Requesting

Dr. Zuckerman was quoted on the use of Kybella to eliminate submental, under the chin, fat. He also opined on how an angular jaw line is essential to societal classical perceptions of facial beauty.

Forget Mani-Pedis — Now Moms and Daughters Bond over Botox

For Mothers’ Day, Dr. Zuckerman introduced two of his patients to the New York Post who were interviewed and said how much they enjoy their experience with Botox and cheek augmentation at Dr. Zuckerman’s office.

Dr. Zuckerman Selected as a SuperDoctor for New York State 2016

Dr. Zuckerman was selected as a SuperDoctors ® and New York Times Magazine Rising Star for Plastic Surgery for 2016. The third year in a row Dr. Zuckerman was selected.

Dr. Zuckerman Appears on The Doctors TV Show on CBS

Dr. Zuckerman was on this episode of The Doctors for a preoperative evaluation of a severe burn victim who requires a complex plastic surgery reconstruction.

The Dangers of International Plastic Surgery

On News12, Dr. Zuckerman discusses the risk of plastic surgery performed internationally after a young NYC woman dies shortly after a routine cosmetic surgery procedure, a tummy tuck, in the Dominican Republic.

Dr. Zuckerman Appears on CBS Talk Show to Discuss Breast Cancer Summit

On the CBS Talk Show Exit 10/55, Dr. Zuckerman discusses breast cancer and breast augmentation for breast reconstruction in advance of the annual Breast Cancer Summit.

Dr. Zuckerman & Rep. Maloney Advocate for Her Tanning Beds Legislation

Dr. Zuckerman spoke on behalf of Rep. Maloney’s sponsored legislation proposed to ban minors from using tanning beds, which can be 10x-15x more intense than the midday sun.

Dr. Zuckerman Discusses Plastic Surgery Trophy Husbands on Fox5

Dr. Zuckerman opines on the trend of “Trophy Husbands” where men undergo plastic surgery on Fox5 News. Men commonly undergo liposuction, male breast reduction surgery or non-surgical treatments.

Dr. Zuckerman on ABC News in Advance of a Planned Medical Mission to Afghanistan

ABC News reports on Dr. Zuckerman and his team as they prepare for a medical mission to Afghanistan to aid burn victims.

Dr. Zuckerman named a RealSelf Top Doctor

Dr. Zuckerman was named a Top Doctor by realself.com, a portal focused on cosmetic surgery and injectables treatments.

Q&A with Dr. Zuckerman on Face Lift Surgery

WebMD print magazine’s Sept 2017 issue featured an article with Q&A from Dr. Zuckerman on facelift surgery.

Dr. Zuckerman awarded Vitals.com Patient’s Choice Award

Dr. Zuckerman was awarded the Patients’ Choice award by Vitals.com, a major patient reviews site, for being in the top 5% of all physicians nationwide.

50 Doctors’ Own Tips For Better Skin

Dr. Zuckerman says that large percentage of perceived aging, including fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and sag are from sun damage. I recommend patients wear SPF 50 daily moisturizer, especially if fair-skinned.

Look Like Miranda Kerr, But it May Cost You Your Blood: Leech Facial Therapy

Dr. Zuckerman does not recommend the use of leeches for cosmetic purposes due to bacteria in their digest tract. He has used them for reconstructive plastic surgery.

9 Surprising Things You Don’t Realize Are Causing Dark Under Eye Circles

Dr. Zuckerman explains that the skin around the eyes is very sensitive to hydration or lack thereof and is also constantly exposed the environment. Therefore, it is subject to sun damage and requires non-surgical tear trough rejuvenation to address these effects.

11 “Normal“ Breast Shapes & What Might Not Be Normal

Dr. Zuckerman discusses different breast shapes: tuberous breasts, small breasts, athletic breasts, etc. All these breast shapes are normal, and breast augmentation can be performed on all.

Plastic Surgeons Reveal Procedures Plus-size Models Get

Dr. Zuckerman discusses Kybella treatment as a trend to eliminate submental, under-chin, fat to maintain a “classically” beautiful face.

Most Americans Wouldn’t Go to the Gym If You Paid Them, According to a New Study

Dr. Zuckerman explains in this article that plastic surgery, especially liposuction, is not a short cut to weight loss. (Body contouring is another form of plastic surgery after weight loss.)

4 Reasons Your Sunblock May Not Be Working

Dr. Zuckerman is interviewed about proper sunblock usage in an article on new FDA guidelines. He performs plastic surgery skin cancer reconstruction when not used properly!

Bridezillas Are Forcing their Bridesmaids to Lose Weight and get Botox

Dr. Zuckerman discusses his pre-wedding, and other pre-special events, Botox regimen. Before special events, patients often come in for dermal fillers like Juvederm for lip augmentation and nasolabial fold treatment as well.

I Got Labia Fillers — & My Sex Life Has Never Been Better

Dr. Zuckerman was asked about off-label Hyaluronic Acid fillers, such as Juvederm, uses.

6 Fitness Purchases That Experts Recommend For All Of Us

Dr. Zuckerman was interviewed in the first “photoshop-free” magazine about how important it is to support the breasts with a good sports bra.

I had a Plastic Surgeon Point Out Everything That’s ‘Wrong’

Dr. Zuckerman performed a model consult on rhinoplasty and other procedures for this reporter. He did not point out everything that was wrong, but he did guide the reporter through hypothetical scenarios were she to actually have surgery.

Dr. Zuckerman Selected to The Aesthetic Society (ASAPS)

Dr. Zuckerman was selected to be a member of ASAPS, the most exclusive plastic surgery organization. Only 30% of board-certified plastic surgeons are able to become members. Members must have performed 75 cosmetic cases in an 18mos period.

Dr. Zuckerman Interviewed For “I Got Fillers In My Penis – & My Sex Life Has Never Been Better“ Article

While Dr. Zuckerman does not perform this treatment typically, it is safe to do in the hands of an expert trained in the anatomy of the area.

Crowdfunding for Plastic Surgery: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Dr. Zuckerman opines on the ethics of crowdfunding for plastic surgery procedures.

Dr. Zuckerman Invited Speaker at Advances in Rejuvenation & Reconstruction Symposium at Mount Sinai

Dr. Zuckerman was an invited speaker to Mount Sinai’s Advanced in Rejuvenation & Reconstruction Symposium and gave a lecture on facelift surgical techniques.

Thrillist Health “Craziest Things“

Dr. Zuckerman was interviewed for the article “[..] Doctors Reveal the Craziest Things They’ve Seen at Work” about a previous emergency room surgical case he performed that was ‘crazy’!

Dr. Zuckerman Interviewed on Illegal Buttock Injections

Dr. Zuckerman was interviewed for an article about illegal butt injections. He took care of a chronically ill patient who ultimately went on the Tyra Banks show. A Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) or non-surgical buttock augmentation should be performed by a plastic surgeon!

Dr. Zuckerman Was Selected To an ASPS National Committee

Dr. Zuckerman was selected to be on the American Society of Plastic Surgery committee that writes exam questions for licensing exams for plastic surgeons in training.

Dr. Zuckerman Selected As A The New York Times Magazine SuperDoctor 2015

Dr. Zuckerman was selected as a SuperDoctors ® / New York Times Magazine Rising Star for Plastic Surgery for 2015. This is the second year that Dr. Zuckerman was selected for this award.

The New York Times Magazine SuperDoctor 2014 Selection

Dr. Zuckerman Selected as a Fellow of American College of Surgeons

Dr. Zuckerman was selected as a Fellow of American College of Surgeons, a national organization of all surgical specialties. He was selected by a group of a peers.

WCBS 880 Interview on Tanning Bed Legislation

Dr. Zuckerman interviewed WCBS 880 regarding Rep. Maloney’s tanning bed legislation proposing to ban tanning beds for minors.

Dr. Zuckerman Inducted into the AAHS, a subspecialty of plastic surgery.

Dr. Zuckerman Inducted into the AAHS, a subspecialty of plastic surgery.

Dr. Zuckerman’s Medical Mission to Myanmar

Dr. Zuckerman was invited by a hospital in Yangon to travel to Myanmar with the charitable organization Mission:Restore to train surgeons in Myanmar and treat patients in Yangon.

Afghanistan Medical Mission Interview on News 12

Dr. Zuckerman and his partner discuss their upcoming medical mission to Afghanistan on a News 12 talk show with Lea Tyrrell (not pictured).

Changing Generations with Proper Medical Care

Dr. Zuckerman discusses his medical mission to Afghanistan.

Invited Speaker on Plastic Surgery & Wound Healing

Dr. Zuckerman was invited to be a speaker at a large meeting of podiatrists on plastic surgical care of wound healing at Cornell Weill Medical College.

Dr. Zuckerman Completed His Fellowship at New York University

Dr. Zuckerman completed his plastic surgery fellowship at New York University’s prestigious Hansjörg Wyss Department of Plastic Surgery, an extra seventh year of specialized plastic surgery training.

Dr. Zuckerman Completed Plastic Surgery Residency at Brown University

Dr. Zuckerman completed his plastic surgery residency at Brown University, after becoming chief resident his final year.

Dr. Zuckerman Nominated For the Bright Lights Award

Dr. Zuckerman was a Hasbro Children’s Hospital Bright Lights Award Nominee at Hasbro Children’s Hospital at Brown University.

Dr. Zuckerman Graduated First In His Medical School Class

Dr. Zuckerman graduated first in his medical school class at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science.

Dr. Zuckerman Selected as Early Medical Honor Society Inductee, Top 2% of Medical School Class

Dr. Zuckerman was an Alpha Omega Alpha Early Inductee; he received the honor for being in the top 2% of his medical school class.

Dr. Zuckerman Receives Board of Trustees Award

Dr. Zuckerman was awarded the Board of Trustees Award for Scholarship at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science.

Dr. Zuckerman Received ASCP Award

Dr. Zuckerman received the American Society of Clinical Pathologists Award for Academic Excellence and Achievement while at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science. He received this award for having the highest grade in his pathology course in his second year of medical school.

Ready to Transform Your Look?

Schedule Your Consultation with Dr. Zuckerman Today and Take the First Step Towards Your Dream Appearance

Disclaimer: These Are Actual Results For Patients Of Dr. Zuckerman Plastic Surgery. Results Can Vary Between Patients.
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