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Fit sexy woman holding showing cellulite area.Woman pinches her

I am often asked by prospective patients if there is a manner in which cellulite can be eliminated or ameliorated. Unfortunately, in our society it is often seen as a sign of aging or weight gain, even though it can affect even slim people.

Cellulite is Extraordinarily Common

Cellulite affects the vast majority of women and relatively few men. The degree to which it appears varies based on genetics, age, and body type. It is also a product of the aging process and tends to worsen over time. Cellulite mostly affects the midsection: the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, etc. Your mother’s body type may give you a somewhat accurate idea of how you might be affected.

The Underlying Cause Of Cellulite

It is actually formed by the herniation of subcutaneous fat through fibrous connective tissue, also known as retaining ligaments. You can think of the fat “poking through” the fibrous tethers throughout the fatty layer. These fibrous tethers attach to the fascia, the tough connective tissue layer underneath your skin that surrounds and overlies all the muscle. It provides a gliding surface for the muscle and provides structure to the body wall. These retaining ligaments pull on the fascia introducing tension and creating a dimpled appearance.

There Is No Magic Bullet

Generally, lower overall fat content may help reduce cellulite, but if a person is already at their ideal weight, then losing weight may not help. And, losing weight most likely won’t completely eliminate cellulite. Foam rolling, which has become so popular, may give the appearance of improved cellulite if done on a regular basis, but this is mostly due to swelling and not an actual improvement. Exercise focused on building muscle in the abdomen, buttocks, or quadriceps may also improve the appearance of cellulite, but results will vary from person to person.

Medical Solutions That Do Help The Appearance of Cellulite

There is no magic bullet non-surgical treatment to treat cellulite, but one minimally invasive treatment that is effective is Cellfina, where a very small blade cuts the connective tissue. This treatment can last for up to a couple years but isn’t permanent. Liposuction in the right hands and/or small volume grafting can improve the appearance, but done poorly, can make the appearance of cellulite worse.

Posted on behalf of Zuckerman Plastic Surgery

800A Fifth Avenue Suite 101
New York, NY 10065

Phone: (212) 231-9897
FAX: 1-855-506-2309

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Disclaimer: These Are Actual Results For Patients Of Dr. Zuckerman Plastic Surgery. Results Can Vary Between Patients.
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